ETSI logo / FTP / tsg_ran / WG2_RL2 / TSGR2_112-e / Inbox / Drafts / [Offline-113][REDCAP] Identification and access restrictions (Huawei)

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icon Offline-113 on UE identification and access restriction_v8_CTCC.docx 2020/11/10 6:27 58,4 KB
icon Draft summary on [Offline-113] UE identification and access restriction_v0.docx 2020/11/10 4:04 66,3 KB
icon Offline-113 on UE identification and access restriction_v7_Xiaomi.docx 2020/11/10 3:29 66,4 KB
icon Offline-113 on UE identification and access restriction_v6_FJ.docx 2020/11/10 2:56 65 KB
icon Offline-113 on UE identification and access restriction_v5-Eri.docx 2020/11/09 16:55 68,7 KB
icon Offline-113 on UE identification and access restriction_v4-Intel.docx 2020/11/09 16:02 67,7 KB
icon Offline-113 on UE identification and access restriction_v3_Nokia.docx 2020/11/09 15:48 64,9 KB
icon Offline-113 on UE identification and access restriction_v2_vivo.docx 2020/11/09 3:44 64,3 KB
icon Offline-113 on UE identification and access restriction_v1_Apple.docx 2020/11/09 1:22 63,8 KB
icon Offline-113 on UE identification and access restriction_v0.docx 2020/11/06 11:17 62,2 KB

10 items.